Providers of shareholder recordkeeping services for US mutual funds and non-equity accounts could soon face more regulatory oversight if the US Securities and Exchange Commission has its way. The SEC’s lengthy concept release issued late last year suggests that the US regulatory agency wants rules to keep up with the changing times. To that end, […]
Swap Positional Identifiers: Buy-Side Group Positions Industry Standards
A fund manager executes an order for a swap contract with a broker-dealer counterparty on a swaps execution facility (SEF), then allocates the order to separate underlying funds and clears the trade through a clearinghouse using a futures commission merchant (FCM). At the end of this process, the fund manager might report the trade to […]
News to Use: SEC, Omgeo and OpsCheck
Another SEC Cybersecurity Reminder: Fund managers have just received a few pointed suggestions from the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Division of Investment Management on just how they should monitor their cybersecurity risk. Although the new guidance doesn’t carry the force of a rule, it does put fund managers on alert for what the SEC will be looking […]
News to Use: Omgeo, SEI, and Broadridge
Custodians on Alert: Custodians and prime brokers will be able for the first time to input standing settlement instructions (SSIs) to Omgeo’s ALERT database, potentially reducing the number of trades which fail to settle on time. SSIs refer to the last leg of the post-trade communications process when asset managers tell their custodians or prime […]
SunGard’s New Derivatives Processing Utility: Panacea or Pipedream?
SunGard’s outsourced business model for handling post-trade functions in the listed derivatives and swaps market might sound like a dream come true for futures commission merchants and given that it has already nabbed its first mega client it’s off to a great start. But whether the initiative will gain widespread industry buy-in remains to be […]
FATCA: How to Reduce Ops Risk
At the core of FATCA is the need for foreign financial intermediaries to know and report whether securities accounts are owned by US persons who are deliberately trying to avoid paying their correct share of US taxes.In fulfilling the rules of FATCA, the US legislation designed to catch US tax evaders, financial firms would be […]