The financial world is spending countless hours — and millions of dollars — hypothesizing how blockchain — the new distributed way of storing information — could eliminate huge operational costs. Banks, broker-dealers, exchanges, and securities depositories have started exploring its potential vast use with the help of technology providers. Blockchain could theoretically be applied to […]
Fund Managers Outsource More Mid-Office Ops
Gone are the days when the middle office is maligned as being strictly a cost-center dragging down investment performance. Today more fund managers are concluding that more effective management of their middle office can not only reduce operating expenses, but also give them a competitive edge with investors and keep regulators at bay. Fund management […]
Next Up on Blockchain: Reconciliation and Syndicated Loans
Start small, think big is what aficionados of blockchain technology see as the most effective strategy in implementing the newfangled architecture. Skipping the more complicated or broader reaching applications for the moment, blockchain appears to be gaining momentum in specialized operations serving smaller user groups . Although no one cited any live cases, representatives from FIS and Symbiont […]
Swap Positional Identifiers: Buy-Side Group Positions Industry Standards
A fund manager executes an order for a swap contract with a broker-dealer counterparty on a swaps execution facility (SEF), then allocates the order to separate underlying funds and clears the trade through a clearinghouse using a futures commission merchant (FCM). At the end of this process, the fund manager might report the trade to […]
Euroclear Claims First Matching Service for Payments
News of the successful launch of pan-European settlement platform Target2 Securities might be barely cold, but Euroclear, owner of the world’s largest international securities depository and several European depositories, is already taking as stab at creating new revenue streams. Based on technology developed in conjunction with London’s Merit Software, Euroclear has just launched a central matching […]
Passing on the Business: Data Transit for Cost-Basis Reporting
A US investor decides to switch its account from one broker-dealer or bank to another. The transition is supposed to be a no-brainer which happens every day on Wall Street. However, when it comes to cost-basis reporting, a simple operational process could easily turn into an administrative and financial nightmare, warn tax operations experts. The ramifications can […]
2015: Top Ops Goals for Surviving the Regulatory Crush
With the beginning of 2015 just hours away, middle and back office operations specialists across the globe should count on a visit from C-level executives to set the tone for the new year. Forget about praise for all the hard work in 2014. Everyone now has to roll up their sleeves to address a host […]
Merrill’s Reconciliation Fine: What Happens When Middle Office Fails
Reconciliation: it’s an everyday process in buy- and sell-side shops, where overworked middle-office analysts pay close attention to details and hope technology works. Like all post-trade operations, it often draws the attention of C-level executives only when something goes wrong. Even worse, as evidenced in a recent case involving Merrill Lynch, mistakes can also elicit […]
European Regulators Tell Market: Failure Not an Option
Failing to settle or even match the details of European securities trades on time could become a lot more expensive and reputationally risky for banks, broker-dealers, and their fund manager customers, if European regulators have their way. Just how much more they will have to spend beyond the hefty internal administrative costs, and current fines […]
Hedge Fund Accounting: Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt
With eagle-eyed institutional investors needing assurance of the accuracy of hedge funds’ operations, as well as their returns, keeping books and records is no easy one-shot deal. No matter who serves as the official fund administrator, back-up verification or “shadow accounting” has already become the modus operandi for the largest funds and is quickly taking hold among smaller ones. Over 75 percent of hedge […]