Financial firms are quickly being armed with the necessary technical tools for how they can receive identification codes for over-the-counter derivatives in time to meet new regulatory requirements. They don’t have much time to spare. The Association of National Numbering Agencies (ANNA) wants prompt feedback on its proposals for the nitty-gritty data content, operational and […]
ANNA FIXes Tech Specs for OTC ISIN Allocation
If operations and IT managers of the biggest trading firms and trading platforms have been wondering exactly how they’ll get their hands on International Securities Identification Numbers (ISINs) for over-the-counter derivatives when they need them for transaction reporting under Europe’s Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID), they found part of the answer last week. […]
OTC Derivatives Players: The ISIN Engine Emerges (Updated)
Editor’s Note: On September 20, ANNA announced that the automated allocation engine for international securities identification numbers for OTC derivatives would also support the derivatives product taxonomy created by the FIX Trading Community as well as other open-standard product taxonomies. The mapping of the FIX taxonomy with the ISO taxonomy is set to be completed […]
Reporting Securities Finance Deals: More is Less?
Say what, say who, say when? That’s the reaction of fund managers, custodians and market infrastructures to the European Securities and Market Authority’s request for feedback on a new regulation requiring reporting information on securities finance transactions to trade repositories. Market players complain that ESMA’s technical specifications for complying with the Securities Finance Transaction Regulation […]
Fund Operations Managers Weather UK’s Brexit Storm
While the UK and European Union leaders will have two years to come up with a gameplan for how the UK will separate from the European Union, middle and back-office operations professionals at fund management shops are taking it one day at a time during extreme market volatility. The UK’s legal limbo has caused higher trading […]
Research Payments in Europe: Can CSAs Survive?
Asset managers of European funds may be breathing a sigh of relief thinking that European regulators will allow them to keep their commission sharing agreements (CSAs) to pay for research they use to make investment decisions for their clients. The reality is not so simple. As currently implemented, the CSAs may not comply with all […]
The Derivatives ID Dilemma: Industry Accord Suggests an ISIN Solution
Is the International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) not fit for purpose for identifying certain types of derivatives, as claimed by some partisans for other identifiers or just “concerned citizens” of the derivatives realm? Or is the only possible solution for regulatory reporting requirements a Unique Product Identifier (UPI) based on the descriptive taxonomy developed by […]
Europe’s Revised Settlement Regime: Still Problematic?
Just who is responsible for fixing a securities transaction which fails to settle on time? a. the securities depository b. the custodian of the injured counterparty c. the injured trading counterparty d. all of the above The European Securities and Markets Authority, the pan-European regulatory agency, recently decided that the answer should be switched from […]
Securities Finance Data: Useful or Not for European Regulators?
In asking market players to shed more light on their securities finance transactions, European regulators have unintentionally opened an operational and legal can of worms. The newly passed European Securities Financing Transactions (SFT) legislation includes a requirement that managers of new European traditional and alternative investment funds disclose their policies involving securities finance transactions in […]
UCITS V: What Is a Three-Year-Old Bonus Worth?
Fund management firms wanting to benefit from the latest incarnation of decades-old UCITS legislation to easily market their investment funds across Europe will find themselves facing a new hurdle: they must adapt to new restrictions on how and when they compensate many of their top-ranked executives. The provisions on compensation are considered draconian by many fund experts who […]